Vermont Crisis Intervention Network (VCIN)
The Vermont Crisis Intervention Network (VCIN) was created in 1991 to address the need for community based crisis supports in the state of Vermont for individuals diagnosed with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD).
This program was instituted initially as state-wide support for the closing of the Brandon Training School. The program is currently operated within the Upper Valley Services, Inc. designated agency of Orange County. The services offered by VCIN include three distinct avenues of service, delineated as Levels I, II, and III.
Level I includes the delivery of trainings targeted at assisting agencies, their staff, contractors and families in their efforts to learn more about supporting individuals with IDD. These trainings are offered at no cost to agencies and can be provided to any interested parties, including families, school personnel, mental health organizations, and other groups as requested. Trainings include a variety of topics not limited to but including Positive Behavior Supports, Bio/psycho/social diagnostic approaches, Anger Management/Self-Regulation skills training, and Psychiatric disorders and individuals with IDD, as well as other subject areas depending on the needs of the receiving organization.
Level II consists of the provision of on-site psychological and/or psychiatric consultation to teams engaged in supporting individuals with IDD and behavioral challenges. This consultation is provided with no cost to the requesting agencies or families and is provided on a rolling referral basis with minimal delay between the request and the provision of services. Level II can include records reviews, interviews with key staff, observation/interaction time with the individual receiving services, assistance with plan development, attendance at multiple team meetings, and psychiatric support regarding medication plans as well. Level II is an early intervention effort to assist teams in understanding the complex issues involved in diagnosing and addressing challenging behaviors and to help support individuals in their communities without requiring relocation
Level III consists of two crisis bed residences designed to meet the needs of individuals with IDD at risk of homelessness or unnecessary psychiatric hospitalization. Each bed supports one individual at a time, and at least 1 direct care staff is always present on a 24 hour basis with the ability to provide 2 or even 3 staff at a time as needed in order to maintain a safe environment. In addition to staffing support, psychiatric and psychological assessment/evaluation are provided, including consultation for support teams around discharge planning and program design. These same supports are also available on a mobile basis if the decision is made to support the individual with VCIN staff within their home setting. Access to the crisis beds is controlled by a representative of the state of Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living. The average length of stay is two weeks and the sending agency is charged $350/day for the first 21 days and $500/day after that.